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Sep 30, 2009

NFL Player Thomas Jones Offers Dating Advice for Black Women

You may have seen him on the field, or you may have seen him all hugged up on cutie Meagan Goode, but chances are NFL hunk star Thomas Jones hasn't really crossed your mind. You know why? Because this brother has his head on straight, keeps out of the lime light, and takes care of business. So when Essence had the chance to ask him some questions, you know they couldn't let him leave without asking him to give dating advice to Black women...

ESSENCE.COM: With such a busy schedule, how do you make your relationship with Megan [Good] work?
I look at it as something I want to do, and we take it one day at a time. I don't look at it like it's work. The reality is I work in New York and she works in L.A., but we are fortunate we have jobs where it's flexible. I'm in New York for five months of the year and the other time I am wherever she is. To me, it's what you make it. I've never seen myself as a celebrity, which is probably because I'm from a small town. I'm just blessed I get to do something I love to do. She's the same way, and really humble. We may be at the mall or the movies, and people will say what are y'all doing here. We're doing the same thing everyone else does.

ESSENCE.COM: And being in a relationship, how is it dealing with groupies who have their eyes set on a snagging an athlete?
It's tough. A lot of things men do is for women, from wanting nice bodies to jewelry. So when you are in a situation where plenty of women are around you, it's tempting. But if guys look at the big picture as a whole, it would be easier to make decisions. I've been blessed to make it through a lot of situations. Anything I'm doing, if [Megan's] not there, she knows. Period.

ESSENCE.COM: Good to hear. So what are thoughts for Black women when it comes to love?
Don't expect something you aren't working towards. Don't look for a man to respect you when you don't respect yourself. Everything you do eventually will come back, though it might not happen when you expect. You have to work on you. People say they want a good guy or have been praying, and a lot of time God gives you that time to work on yourself. That way when you do find him, you're ready. A lot of times, somebody will come across your path, and you're not ready for that, or you're looking for something else, and it's right in front of you.

Whew, now if an accomplished brother knows this info, why don't we as black women know? Heed the words Queens, heed his words.

Read the rest of this article here...

Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!

Sway....and Natural Hair

Queen Marsha of Naturally Me, emailed me about Sway. Sway is the Toronto, Canadian premier lifestyle magazine for African – and Caribbean Canadians. Its mission is to entertain, empower and educate, with a voice that reflects the successes, accomplishments, and pride of Canada’s Black communities. This magazine is impressive, colorful, and indeed tastefully done. With that being said, they are chiming in on the "Natural Hair" thing as well. They have featured four beautiful black beauties who explain their style of choice, and their feelings about their hair. However, they do have one weave wearing sister who tells us why she chooses to rock the weave, how she feels without it, and her perception on why it is needed. I respect everyone's feelings, and if this is how this sister feels well kudos to her. I just don't want any Queen thinking that they need or have to rock long hair, straight hair, or weaves to get further in life. Why? because I am a testament that with hard work, determination, and taking care of your own, and loving yourself will get you just as far. Honey, I am the only African-American, and African-American woman in my department, and I ain't trying to brag, just stating facts here; I hold a minor position of there. I guess that's how it is in Toronto but not in the States! With that being said check out this interview, and chime in on Kandyce!

Melissa currently has lightened locks that she wears in layers. She has had dreads for almost seven years now. Before that she had tried every hairstyle under the moon: natural, curly, extensions, weaves, pressed, texturized and even going purple. Future plans for this hair chameleon? "Go with the flow and take it easy."

My hair is: "There. I'm pretty easy-going. I don't fuss too much. I mainly go to salons for manicures, pedicures and laughs."

my hair story: "I grew up with three other women, so hair was big in our house! I've always loved trying new styles, like my sisters, but I was very athletic in school, so pressing my hair all the time was not an option. Extensions were far easier to manage and caused less damage than heat processing. In general, I've always thought of my hair as something fun. It's a great way to express myself; from having purple braids, a gold mohawk, to now going more natural with locks."

I love when my hair is: "Floating around me in the ocean. It feels free. I feel in touch with nature and love the weightlessness of the water."

Let's get political: "I think women of colour are in a great position to make many choices with their hair. We can wear it straight, curly, in braids, locks or simply go bald. Anything goes and we still look fabulous. Hair is one aspect of our beauty that goes far deeper than our roots."

Tress tip: "I like to keep it simple. I mainly use olive oil in the dry winter months or after a day of surfing in the summer."

Kandyce has worn her hair straight with a weave for the last three years. Before that, she went short and natural. Although she switches between adding a weave and going without, she says she would never try wigs.

My hair is: "Beautiful. It is what accentuates my beauty."

my hair story: "Dealing with my hair has been difficult. When I was around 16, I used to dye my hair. Then one day it started breaking off. I had to cut it until I only had a short layer of hair on my head. It was the most horrible experience of my life. I couldn't leave my house without feeling like a boy. I didn't feel like a female. I didn't get any attention from boys. It was mainly people's perceptions of me that was difficult... I started to overcompensate for my lack of hair. I would always have to dress up, wear makeup or put on big earrings before I left my house. It was stressful; I couldn't have a casual day."

I love when my hair is: "Long. I think length is most important. The longer it is, the more feminine I feel. Long hair just shapes my face better. When it's long I feel more confident and pretty."

Let's get political: "Black women's hair is so controversial because it challenges the conventional ideals of beauty. People always say [when you straighten your hair or wear weaves] you want to be like white girls. My response to that? White girls wear weaves and dye their hair too! The majority of white girls with blond hair aren't natural blonds. The thing is, physical appearance is directly correlated to success.

Statistics prove that attractive people do better in life and in their careers. Hair plays a central role in how you look. If you want to achieve a conventional standard of success you must subscribe to the conventional standards of beauty."

Tress tip: "Before washing my hair I use a stimulating scalp serum. After that I exfoliate my scalp. It really helps my natural hair grow and stay healthy."

Thank you Queen Marsha for keeping us current! To read the whole story, and visit Sway click here!

Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!

Sep 29, 2009


Hey Queens just wanted to share a couple of flicks from our time at the beach in Longbeach, California. They had perfect weather and the kids really enjoyed themselves!
I had a great time reflecting, and just thinking back on what I was taught in the lecture by the Dalai Lama about the 4 noble truths.

The kids are excited to be there, a true break from the desert heat.

The love of my life...well both are! LOL

I can't wait to get close to the water relaxing!

Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!


For the past week or so I have been all paranoid about the upcoming mammogram I had scheduled today. I was supposed to have it done back in March due to my 35th birthday. So, after the constant urging of my doctor I had to traipse down to the radiology imaging center and finally have it done. I protested with the usual...
"Why should I go? I don't have big ta ta's.."
"Oh please, I'm fine, I don't feel anything."
"Honey I am way too young for that sort of thing"
"No way, that crap hurts, I've heard the stories"

But my hubby finally struck me with...
"What am I going to do if something is wrong, and its too late? Please get the test done and over with."

Then of course I glanced over at my daughter and decided he was right, what if there really was something? So, I made the dreadful appointment. Yeah, I might be strong in a lot of areas but honey I was petrified at the thought of the big scary monster of a machine smashing the hell outta my little skittle titties.

See, there is also the little fact that my mother's sister, my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer about 6 years ago. They found it early and she was able to treat it and it has not come back. So, there was also that deep rooted fear that maybe, just maybe it had crept into my tiny little body too. That the big scary "C" monster would get me too. My hubby wanted to go with me, I told him that it would be okay; but deep inside I really wanted and needed his support. Hell any support, it could have been a complete stranger for all I cared!

In the end my dear friend David went, he stayed with me, gave me support, kind words. He reassured me that I was doing the right thing, preventative measures are the best measures. I sat close to him and we cracked jokes, laughed, teased people in the waiting room. Then they called my name, I sat motionless, and he tugged my arm. We both rose, but the radiology tech scolded that he couldn't come back with me only women. I protested, saying that he was somewhere in the middle, and that had to account for something!

She laughed and shook her head no, David sat back down and I was whisked away down a long hall. There was another rather young girl probably early thirties, who stood there shaking like a leaf. We were told to strip down, gown opened to the front. We both did what we were told, and sent to a waiting room.

The tech came to get me, she was a polite petite Asian lady with a cute haircut (you know I check for stuff like that) she reassured me that everything would be okay.

The machine wasn't all that scary looking, not threatening at least. Then it happened, I laid my breast onto the cool metal; was pulled and pinched in two directions. It might have been uncomfortable, but it didn't hurt. She made it easy as well with her lightheartedness, and pleasant demeanor. Then it was all over.

I was told the doctor would receive the results tomorrow, and I would have to wait. Then I left just as quickly as I came, exhaled, redressed, gathered up my David and left.

I await my fate Queens, but I know all is well. If we can just get past our fear. Fear of finding out the "what-ifs" maybe all will truly be okay. We have to get past fear of all that is uncomfortable in our lives. He have to get over fear of taking our HIV tests yearly, losing jobs, interviews, new relationships, and now mammograms...We have to get over the fear of whatever obstacle may be staring in our faces.

So please, for your health sake, your children, lovers, parents, friends get your mammograms done if you are in your mid-thirties, or if there is a history of breast cancer in your family.

October, is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month...remember you can live with the results!

Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!

Post Screening of "Good Hair"

Is Melyssa Ford in this meeting? Why is she all of a sudden rocking braids for the post-screening? She is trying to stay relevant no matter what the hell the subject is. She states she has been creamy-crack free for 3 years now, and now she is only natural? Umm okay

Were locs purposely overlooked in the movie because loc wearers aren't so called, "interesting" or "entertaining enough?" What the hell? Exactly what is Chris Rock trying to do here, enlighten, or give us laughs? I'm really unsure, on the fence as well. I want to support his project, but of all people Melissa Ford is his representative? Boo Bye, hmph

Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!

Sep 28, 2009

Happy Monday Queens,

Honestly I didn't have any intentions on posting anything related to relationships, life, self-love, etc. But you know this blog is our forum, a place to be open and honest about whatever puzzles us, ails us, etc. So, with all of the talk about Lamar Odom's and Khloe Kardashian's shotgun wedding I had to take a moment and speak on it from my perspective. Now, the only thing I know about Lamar is that he plays basketball, that he was already involved in an interracial long term relationship with his baby moms', and that they have two children. Then, the only thing I know about Khloe is that she is 1/3 of the Kardashian sister click, obnoxious, a little out there and currently running a clothing boutique, and starring in a reality series. Now as life would have it she dates Lamar for a month and they get hitched. The reason I am speaking on it is because I am reading too many tweets (Twitter), over hearing conversation about how our "famous black men" are dating, and marrying women with no substance; who have nothing more than a pretty face, perhaps nice body, other races (i.e., Reggie Wilson, Kobe Bryant, Kanye West, etc.)

Now, let me get straight to the point; you all know I have nothing against interracial relationships, and I even wrote a post about it. But the thing that does bother me a bit, is that black women are looking at these men as if "they" are representatives of all black men which isn't the case. Black women are also looking at the women they are choosing as if they are standard of beauty (definitely not the case). Black women you simply cannot look to the media for your definition of beauty. Beauty is more than skin deep, and it starts first with love of oneself. Who knows this better than all natural beauties, or highly successful women? Who can keep up with the media's so called standards of beauty? Women all over are killing themselves with plastic surgery, butt implants, injections, false hair, lips, eyes, nails, honey the list goes on. You will go broke, better yet crazy if you try and keep up with what you see in print, on television, on videos. You simply cannot do this.

You must try and find your own self, look in the mirror figure out what makes you beautiful, sexy, smart. Play up your own best features. You my dears are exotic. We are unique, and have the most beautiful bodies, features, unparalleled and can never be duplicated no matter how much mess non-black women try and buy. If you turn off the television, close the magazines, you might be able to see who finds you beautiful. You might be surprised at who thinks you are the definition of beauty. You must broaden your horizons. God is love, and God made us all.

I just want us all to live our best lives, experience true love, happiness, peace. I want us all to be happy with what God gave us. Don't wast life running after someone else definition of beauty. You will eventually burn out.

So while we don' t know the reasons behind our men finding love outside of our race, and their eagerness to "put a ring on it" we can get a little of that for ourselves.

Self-Love is the highest form of love, then and only then will you find the love you have been searching for!

Until next time, have a great week...I love you

Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!

Loc'd Beauty of the Week

2007's Top Dancehall Female of the Year, Chatta!

This Empress is a star in her own right, from her truthful and rugged lyrics; to the self love she exudes in her personal style.

Chatta is a Dancehall Queen who resides in Ontario, Canada she stands tall along the greats such as; Lady Saw, Gyptian, and Queen Ifreka. Her new single out is entitled Mango Love...

Don't we love her raw beauty? I am sure she can attribute that to her clean lifestyle. Chatta is a raw food enthusiast who doesn't mind sharing the wealth about the goodness of a Raw Food lifestyle on her YouTube channel. She isn't just a beauty, this Reggae star has brains! She holds a degree in Anthropology, and Mass Communications!

For more on Chatta, or to purchase her music please visit her website,

Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!

Sep 24, 2009

Happy Friday!

Hey Queens!

Well Happy Friday to ya! I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed weekend. I will be posting on Monday, today I am going to see His Holiness, Dali Lama! He will be speaking on the four noble truths. I consider this to be one of the highlights of my life. To sit in peace, to be fed truths, and just be.

Again be safe,

Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!

Black Hair Report

Aron Ranen writes in a comment section on our blog:

Please take a moment to check out my documentary film BLACK HAIR
It is free at YouTube. 6 parts including an update from London, England.
It explores the Korean Take-over of the Black Beauty Supply and Hair biz..
The current situation makes it hard to believe that Madame C.J. Walker once ran the whole thing.
I am not a hater, I am a motivator.
Plus I am a White guy who stumbled upon this, and felt it was so wrong I had to make a film about it.
self-funded film, made from the heart.
Can it be taken back?


Wow what a profound question he asks us, "Can it be taken back?" You know Queens, I saw this documentary a few years back and it made me sad. It made me sad because this is information that I had to hear from someone not of our own race. I mean I appreciate him for stepping up and researching and making a documentary about something as huge about the way we spend our money. But why does it always take someone outside of our own race to bring attention to our problems?

I cannot say if the black hair market can be taken back by us, especially when we have famous black celebrities such as Joy (who openly admits of her addiction to weave), Beyonce who is notorious for her wig wearing, and etc., who black women try and emulate. In my opinion it has gotten out of control. Black women simply do not care where the hair comes from, as long as they can get the look they want? For as less money as possible? They are going to purchase from whoever, wherever they can. With that being said, as a hair blogger it is my duty to inform, enlighten, and wake up our women. Think about it? How many times have you gone into a Korean owned beauty supply store and taken a look around at all of the products primarily aimed at us? Have you thought about the way they rudely speak and treat you when you are there spending your hard earned money? The way they follow you from aisle to aisle? Seriously, this is what we put up with so we can so-called, "look good?"

This is pathetic, at best. I want to thank Aron for reaching out to us. For steadily trying to wake us up about a very big problem were having. I also want to commend you Queens for taking the 1st step in combating this prevalent problem, "Loving yourself!" As long as we are wearing our hair natural, buying natural products, latching. We have no need for their goods. If you do, try and buy black. Think about it!

CNN's Black In America-Black Hair Segment

Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!

Sep 23, 2009

White Man Tries Relaxer...

Lawd I gotta stop cruising the videos! Check this po' white man out...he tried a relaxer on his hair to get a certain "look." I should feel sorry for him but I don't!

Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!

Why are We Still Discussing This?

Is she serious? Is this her new cause? Do we care? Why is this such an issue still? Really Tyra, Larry King?

Lawd, so many questions....

Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!

Mamma I Wan't to Sing

So are we going to see this Queens? I am in no way hating on Ciara, or being negative when it is clear this is a grand opportunity for her. But lets face it, Ciara is not the best singer out there in Hollywierd, and when I saw this stage play, the woman who played Ciara's part was F-I-E-R-C-E! When I think of Ciara's little, powerless voice playing this part, I am unsure it will have the same powerhouse effect. What do you ladies think?

Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!

An Open Letter to Tyra

Good Morning Goddesses,

Who knew that Tyra's "Real Hair Day," would have women all over thinking; thinking about the state of their hair. Thinking about their self-esteem, and overall self-image. Who would have thought celebrities would step up and show out about their hair, weaves, etc. Well one celebrity in particular, Joy Bryant did. She actually blogged about it in an open letter to Tyra Banks; about her love for her weave. Women love to profess, "its only hair," when they know good and well the state of their hair, the mere presence or "lack their of" has them thinking--some kind of way. Read for yourself, as Joy talks about how her weave makes her feel complete.

Ouch! My tailbone really hurts when I sit on hard surfaces or slouched down in a chair for too long. That’s what I get from busting my butt from too much snowboarding. It makes it really hard to sit in a salon chair for hours on end getting my weave hooked up.

But oh, how we suffer for beauty...I must bring a pillow next time.

As the threads of the grown-out tracks were being snipped, I broke out my laptop and began my ritualistic daily web search. I go from news of the day to articles/blogs about the news of the day, ending up on entertainment/gossip/fashion stuff.
But that day, something caught my attention and trumped all of the glowing reviews of President Obama’s health care speech:

It was Tyra’s hair.

National Real Hair Day? I missed that one...In fact, on National Real Hair Day, I was calling Extensions Plus in L.A. to make sure they had enough of the 20” "relaxed roots" texture hair that I love oh so much (and that keeps selling out like crazy!), and making an appointment to get my hair, I mean, my weave, hooked up.

So Tyra, while I didn’t take part in your observance, I just want to say: "WOW!" You are such a brave woman for breaking the chains that bound you since your teenage years! What courage that took, for you to expose yourself to millions of people! Such fearlessness!

Oh, how I wish I had the guts to do that. I guess I’m much too much of an insecure, self-loathing Negro for all that self-acceptance foolishness.
I’m glad we got down to solving the mystery of what’s under your lace-front, though. I mean seriously, it was "THE" question that has perplexed the world over. And now we see that there’s a beautiful head of hair underneath it all, hair that was surprisingly relaxed and ready for the world. Whodathunkit?! If I had the same length and fullness of hair that you have, I might take my weave out too.

Ha!!!! I’m just playing! Even if I DID have your "real" hair, I’d still be wearing a few tracks or clip-ons up in there.


Because I’m straight weave fo life, kid!!!

Ima ride ride wit this weave, die die with this weave!!

Let me break it down for you:
See, I loooooove taking new hair out of the bag, combing through it with my fingers, holding it up with my two hands, and burying my face in it. Mmmm, mmmm, mmm! Nothing like a new batch of zig-zag curly to get your self esteem out of the dumps!

The feeling of getting my hair, I mean, my weave done over. I feel human again. I feel sexy. I feel powerful. It makes me makes me makes feel like a natural woman!!!

I can be whatever, whoever I want to be with the stroke of a sewing needle...

With long brown tresses and a tan, I’m Pocahontas, 'cause I got Indian in my family. With easy waves, I AM bohemian rhapsody goddess personified. And now that I got blond highlights! What!? I know I look like Beyonce! You can’t tell me nothing! Uh oh, uh oh...

And then I looked up from my computer, and caught a glimpse in the mirror of my head minus the long weavy locks. I looked crazy! Awww hell naw! I looked over at the new batch of hair sitting off to the side waiting to join forces with me. Damnit, I’m trapped, I thought to myself. I can’t let it go. I am powerless over it. Just when I think I’m done, it pulls me back in!

Now I guess I can get help for my self-loathing addiction.
I can learn to accept myself in my entirety. I can emancipate myself from that which keeps me locked-up. I can embrace the natural state of things.

Yup, I can do all of that…

But don’t hold your breath!

Hi, my name is Joy, and I’m a weave-a-holic.

*Taken from Joy Bryant's blog, Bohemian Rhapsody, Tracks of My Weave.

Queens what do you think? Please chime in!

Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!

Sep 22, 2009

Reader's Emails Answered

Dear Writing Addict,

thank you so much for your wonderful 'On the Road to Queendom' homepage. I am from Germany and currently I live in Vienna,Austria.I don't know many people with locs personally so I am very glad that I have found your homepage. Today I went to the hairdresser to get some twists. They didn't know this method of getting locs and one of the ladies told me that this is strange (To achieve locs they put in some chemical cream or others work with wax). I wanted to have small to medium size twists but somehow I feel kind of insecure of the result. Could you please tell me what you think about my twists? Should I put some cream or gel on the ends so that they stay together?

All the best,

Hi Susanne!

Thank you for contacting me! I personally think you should use some product to twist your hair. The product that you can use is, Carol's Daughter, Loc Butter which you can purchase here. This is a lightweight product that will leave a nice scent, plus give you the hold you are looking for, and it will aide in the locing process. Also, the product will help seal the ends as well. Honestly the size of your twists you are wearing now is a bit on the large size. So if you want small to medium size you will need to redo them. Remember, locs always thicken up a bit over time. Actually, your hair is a length which would be easy for you to start your locs yourself!

Seriously! Unless you don't trust yourself. If you go here and here you can learn how to start your twists. It will tell you the tools you need, how to part it, etc. Again, you should redo them, make the parts smaller, and start your locs off by double strand twisting your hair. Please watch the following video to start your double strand twists:

I hope this helps, make sure you become a member of the Queendom, and keep us posted on your progress!

Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!

Latching Update

Hey Queens!

The update is, latching is so over, for now. Seriously, I am obviously doing it wrong. I ended up with wholes at the roots. You know gaps where I was pushing the loc through, not cute honey.

So I had to head on down to Sephora's (look that's my home away from home) and pick up some loc butter by Carol's Daughter to smooth these fly-aways down, and look presentable. I don't mind kinkiness showing, I'm just vain and meticulous when it comes to my hair. So, for now, back to product.

Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!

Sep 21, 2009

If at 1st You Don't Succeed...

Happy Monday!

I trust that you all had a wonderful weekend? I had a good one, relaxed with family. Although, I was totally consumed with homework all day yesterday, I can't complain. Anyway, I am not sure if I ever shared with you Queens my true passion...writing. I have been writing for as long as I can remember, my first story was called, Cindy and Her Maracas, I won 1st place at 7 years old out of a statewide writing competition in Chicago, Illinois. At that time, I knew I wanted to be a writer. Well, life had other plans for me, and the road less taken had no "writing" in sight for me.

I did manage to bang out two movie scripts, one short story, and one novel that was optioned and picked up by a small publisher out of the Midwest. However, that turned sour. As did a ghostwriting project I did for a "well known" writer out there. Let's just say, you have to be careful what assignments you choose and who you work with.

Needless to say, I love writing, hence the nickname Writing Addict. I love words, everything about it. The way a story is put together, how the simple mere utterance of certain words can transform a feeling into action. After my deals went South. I changed. I became bitter, I stopped reading, I just threw myself into my family and shoved the whole idea of writing down the drain.

My husband couldn't help me, nothing could ease the pain. That is until now! I am slowly pulling myself out of the funk. I am doing so by keeping up this blog, I am reading novels again, and I am even fancying the idea of self-publishing my novel. The good news is, someone offered me another opportunity to write. Even though its not creative writing (it's travel writing), it's still writing. It will allow me to express myself, and flex my pen.

I am picking myself up and dusting myself off. I am nervous, I won't lie and say that I am not. However, I am going to have a go at it and see where it takes me.

So, I just wanted to share this with you Queens. You all are like my virtual best girlfriends out there. Just know, you can do anything if you put your mind to it. Just because one door closed doesn' t mean you can't go through a few more! If there is something you want to do? Go for it.

Thanks for reading...

Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!

Sep 18, 2009

Desperate for Bigger Booty?

My God, are we this desperate to be noticed, accepted, by men because you can't possibly tell me that this is for their own self gratification. These women have risked death, and God only knows what else for the sake of having a bigger butt.

Be thankful for a healthy body, then try and work on your spirit and peace of mind. Because that is what is lacking here, self-esteem, self-love, self-acceptance.

Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!

Happy Friday Queens!

Just how nappy and proud are you? Are you really rocking the locs with pride? The first person to leave a comment on how proud they are of being a Queen will receive a On The Road To Queendom T-shirt!

Lets Go!

Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!

Sep 17, 2009

Showing Sephora Some Love


Anyone who knows me personally knows how much I love to shop. I mean its in my blood, my mother is a master shopper, and my grandmother is too. So I really have no other choice do I? With that being said, I took my happy tail right on over to Sephora's on my lunch break today! It was a good time. It was either Sephora or study my finance, you already know what I chose. Plus I had to do a little shopping for Queen lcrthompson, she is this weeks' giveaway winner of the OPI nailpolish. I had to pick up the Dark Room color and personally try it on. I am happy to report our Queen will be looking too fierce when she rocks that nail color!

While there I was helped by this cute lil mamacita by the name of Jessica. She was the most petite, cute, and all around plesant salesperson I have encountered in a while. That and she sported some fly mascara. Honey, I had to take a break from what I was doing to ask her what type of mascara she was rocking. I told her I didn't believe that she wasn't wearing false lashes, then she went right over picked up a little tube of Fiberwig, a mascara out of Japan. She got on me because she stated we as women need to put on the eyelash conditioner before applying mascara to keep our lashes soft, supple, moisturized, and glam. Then wallah! She applied that stuff and chile let me just say I walked out swaying and lashes were fierce! Take a look!

I had to get that too! I mean if I can have the look of false lashes that will easily wash off with eye makeup remover then I'm all for it. Seriously little Jessica's makeup was on point! I invited her over to the Queendom to have a look around she promised she would. So if you stop in Jessica, hi, and thank you for all of your help girl you are truly fabulous!


Stay Blessed & Happy Locing!