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Jun 23, 2009

Waistbeads by Sewra

While on the hunt for yet another beautiful corset (that's another story trust me), I came across another type of corset or should I say, waistbeads. The above natural beauty you see is Sewra, pronounced like laura with an “s”, sewra g kidane is the creator behind the beads. Spawned by a broken heart, Sewra began making waist beads to pass time and to clear her mind. Encouraged by her best friend to share her creations with the public, she began selling at various street fairs. Her work has since grown from just colored beads on a string, to fine works of art to be worn around the waist. The following information has been taken from her site, on the history of waistbeads. Enjoy!

The biggest misconception I constantly hear about wearing waist beads is that you have to be a size 0 with a flat stomach. Which is the farthest from the truth. Women of all ages and sizes wear waist beads!
Waistbeads are traditionally worn under clothes by African women, waist beads have several different meanings. Ranging from rites of passage, to enticing your husband to healing and rejuvenation. The art of adorning ones self has been practiced since the beginning of time.

In Egypt, waist beads were called “girdles”. All the women wore them and it was a uniform for pre-pubescent girls with out any sexual connotation. But usually servants or dancers wore them and are shown in wall relief’s wearing them and nothing else!

In West Africa, waist beads have several names.; Jel-Jelli, Jigeda, Giri-Giri, Djalay Djalay or Yomba. They’re always worn under clothes. In Ghana women knew that waist beads helped form their body into a particular shape and adult women wear beads to sexually stimulate the male. In other parts of West Africa, women would wear waist beads with bells on them, and when they walked it would make a jingling noise. Dipping them in oil scented the beads.

When you add stones, waist beads take on healing qualities. Depending on ailment or what needs to be enhanced (i.e. love, physic powers, balancing), various semi-precious stones can be included in the design of your waist beads.

It’s only now in modern times, that waist beads are becoming more visible. Pants are getting lower and lower, and women are showing more skin than ever. So why not adorn this blank canvas with beautiful beads. But if showing your stomach in not for you, it’s still all good. You can take glee in knowing that you are wearing something special and beautiful. I always tell women when you buy fancy lingerie; you wear them under your clothes for you or who you would like to see them. Waist beads are exactly the same!

You can order her beads from her website by going here.


Kicukalah said...

In some cultures do the men wear them also? I could have sworn that I saw Samuel L Jackson wearing one of these adornments around his waist in the 2000 movie Shaft. Him or his body double! It was a hot and steamy scene. I think I'll go rent the movie tonight. For research of course.

Unknown said...

Great write-up! I love this sister and her work!

hou said...

It’s only now in modern times, that waist beads are becoming more visible.
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